1 Introduction
My name is Vanja Manborg and ever since I got to dabble in data science through my engineering job, I’ve spent my free time in RStudio instead of things like family, friends and going to the movies. I believe in learning-by-doing methodology so this is my attempt to get relatively high scores for the Spaceship Titanic competition on Kaggle and learn new concepts and tricks of data-science while I’m at it. The competition is a futuristic version of the Titanic challenge where the goal is to predict with as high accuracy as possible which of the space-faring passengers got transported to another dimension during the spaceships maiden voyage from our solar system to another.
Some formalities:
I won’t go into details about the packages or their functions
I’ve relied on the excellent Max Kuhn’s and Kjell Johnson’s book ‘Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models’ and used some of their code for the more advanced feature exploration.
Without further ado, let’s dive into it!